Get a jump on cold weather season, and keep your family safe and warm this winter.
Schedule your heating system tune-up now:
Prepare your home for cold weather season by properly maintaining your heating system. It is recommended that homeowners tune up their heating systems every year, in advance of seasonal changes. This can ensure that the systems are operating as efficiently and safely as possible and can help:
- Protect families from the dangers of carbon monoxide
- Save energy
- Reduce winter heating costs
- Prevent a system breakdown in the coming months
A heating system tune-up, performed by a professional service technician, will vary depending upon the type of system in your home. Heating contractors have an extensive checklist they will complete when doing your furnace tune-up, however, typical tune-ups include:
- Removal of dust and dirt from vents
- Ensuring that vents are not blocked or leaking
- Checking to make sure fuel-jets are working properly
- Analysis of combustion gases and comparison to furnace specifications
- Ensuring the blower access door has a tight seal at the furnace
- Checking for blocking at the fresh air intake grills
- Checking burners for proper ignition and flame
- Looking for blockage and leakage issues with the drainage system
- Ensuring that blower wheel and motor, wiring, and all filters do not show signs of corrosion or damage