State selection form

worry less
With a Plan from HomeServe, You Can Worry Less About Covered Home Repairs

Big home repairs can mean big out-of-pocket costs. A low cost plan from HomeServe can help you protect against the expense and hassles of covered emergency home repairs to your plumbing, HVAC and electrical systems.

Frequently asked questions

*Savings as compared to renewal price.
#prod_admin_public_name#, with corporate offices located at #prod_admin_address#, is an independent company separate from #online_partner_public_name#. #online_partner_public_name# is not responsible for the service plans offered by HomeServe and its affiliates. HomeServe offers this optional service plan as an authorized representative of the service contract provider, #obligor_public_name#, #obligor_address#. Your choice of whether to participate in this service plan will not affect the price, availability or terms of service from #online_partner_public_name#.

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