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Water Heater Repair And Replacement Plan (Gas/Electric Only)

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Important coverage information


  • An owner of both a residential home permanently secured to the ground and the land it is located on
  • Residential homeowner with sole responsibility for the electric, natural gas or propane water heater
Additional limitations apply. See more. See less

Not Eligible

  • If you are aware of any pre-existing conditions, defects or deficiencies with your water heater, or if you have a commercial grade, larger than 100 gallon, tankless, solar, geothermal, oil, hanging or combination home heating/domestic hot water unit
  • Recreational vehicles or homes on wheels and properties used for commercial purposes
Additional limitations apply. See more. See less


  • Exhaust venting, jacket and interior doors, expansion tanks, supply and delivery water piping other than flexible, and electrical service wiring; damage from restricted lines or as a result of water pressure in excess of 80 P.S.I.; costs associated with making space suitable for installation when the replacement unit does not fit in the existing space; and damage from accidents, negligence or otherwise caused by you, others or unusual circumstances. Additional exclusions apply.
Additional limitations apply. See more. See less
Eligibility: An owner of both a residential home permanently secured to the ground and the land it is located on may be eligible for coverage. Recreational vehicles or homes on wheels and properties used for commercial purposes are not eligible for coverage. Your property is not eligible if you are aware of any pre-existing conditions, defects or deficiencies with your water heater prior to enrollment, or if you have a commercial grade, larger than 100 gallon, tankless, solar, geothermal, oil, hanging or combination home heating/domestic hot water unit. Water heaters that are shared with any third party or are covered by a homeowners', condominium or like association, or that are not installed according to manufacturer specifications are not eligible. If you own a residential property that has multiple water heaters, you must purchase a service agreement for each individual water heater for any one water heater to be eligible. If you live in a development community with a condominium, co-op or homeowners association, your water heater may not be an individual homeowner's responsibility, so please check with your association before accepting this coverage.
Benefit Details: Coverage provides, up to the benefit amount, for the covered cost to repair or replace an electric, natural gas or propane water heater, for which you have sole responsibility, that is damaged due to normal wear and tear, not accident or negligence. If your water heater is deemed beyond repair, you can apply the balance of your benefit amount to a unit most similar in capacity and/or functionality.
Not covered: Commercial grade water heaters, tanks larger than 100 gallons, tankless systems, hanging units, combination ambient heat/domestic hot water heating units, exhaust venting, jacket and interior doors, supply and delivery water piping, electrical service wiring, damage from restricted lines or as a result of water pressure in excess of 80 P.S.I., accidents and damage or negligence caused by you or others. Additional exclusions apply.
Making a Service Call: Your plan starts 30 days after your order is processed. You can make a service call immediately after your plan starts. During the initial 30-day review period you will receive the Terms and Conditions to help you decide if coverage is right for you. Upon renewal/reactivation, (if applicable) you can make a service call immediately.
Renewal: Your coverage is based on an annual contract. For E-Z Pay, credit card or debit card customers: regardless of the payment frequency you select, your service agreement will be automatically renewed annually on the same payment terms selected, at the then-current renewal price.

Frequently asked questions

What should I know about this plan?
What's covered: Coverage provides, up to the benefit amount, for the covered cost to repair or replace an electric, natural gas or propane water heater, for which you have sole responsibility, that is damaged due to normal wear and tear, not accident or negligence. If your water heater is deemed beyond repair, you can apply the balance of your benefit amount to a unit most similar in capacity and/or functionality.
Not covered: Exhaust venting, jacket and interior doors, expansion tanks, supply and delivery water piping other than flexible, and electrical service wiring; damage from restricted lines or as a result of water pressure in excess of 80 P.S.I.; costs associated with making space suitable for installation when the replacement unit does not fit in the existing space; and damage from accidents, negligence or otherwise caused by you, others or unusual circumstances. Additional exclusions apply.

HomeServe USA Repair Management (Florida) Corp. ("HomeServe"), Florida License #W220985, with corporate offices located at 601 Merritt 7, 6th Floor, Norwalk, CT 06851, is an independent company separate from your local utility or community and offers this optional service plan as an authorized representative of the service contract provider, ServicePlan of Florida, Inc., Florida License #70033, 175 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 60604.   

Water Heater Repair And Replacement Plan (Gas/Electric Only) for only $8.49/mo.

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